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30 Days of KDramas Challenge

Day 25: Your First Kdrama

Hrm, lemme see. Although Shining Inheritance is the Kdrama that escalated me into addiction, it's not the first one I watched-- I had already been semi-religiously watching Full House, and for years before that, sageuks and other K-dramas, all in local dub. So was it Hwang Jini? Song of the Prince? Jumong? Jewel in the Palace? Legend? Cruel Love? The Truth? Into the Sun? Coffee Prince? Goong? Lovers in Paris? All About Eve? Green Rose? Love Truly? My 19 Year Old Sister In Law? My, my, I'd been watching a lot more than I thought I did. O_O

I guess it would have to be Autumn in my Heart, circa 2003 or 2004, since I was still a student then. I'd get home to a late supper at around 10:00 p.m., then veg out in front of the TV waiting for my dad to get off of the computer so I could take his place. He usually handed the computer over to me at around 11:00 or 12:00, at which time I'd tune in to this program on GMA that aired anime or music videos or dramas in a little window, with a scrolling shoutbox where people could text in their comments or greetings. One time, it aired Endless Love, which I now know is Autumn in my Heart, with that iconic bike ride among the falling leaves. Didn't make much of an impact on me at that time since I came in about halfway through, but I thought Song Hye Kyo was very pretty. [And then I failed to recognize her in Full House later. Faizpalm.]

Day 26: Your Recently Finished Kdrama
Day 27: A Kdrama loved by many but you don’t seem to like
Day 28: A Kdrama not loved by many but you seem to like
Day 29: A Kdrama which made you so happy
Day 30: A Kdrama which made you so sad 

Also, I want to do these bonus days:
Your favorite KDrama character (lead or supporting)
Your favorite casting ensemble
Your favorite plot/ending twist
Favorite line/s by a supporting character
K-drama character with the wardrobe you most covet.
Absolutely must-have item featured in a KDrama
Best unnee
Best hyung
Best noona
Best oppa
Best oemoni
Best abeoji
Most unforgettable bromance.

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Dramabeans Updates - Because my ISP is so mean it won't let me watch free Korean dramas on the web