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I've always been kinda obsessed with Shining Inheritance to the point of watching it in both the original Korean with English subs (thank you to the wonderful people of HaruHaru subs, to mysoju.com, and to hellogamers.com for making it so much easier for me to watch it in full) and the Tagalog dub on GMA7, just for the pleasure of hearing the dialogue expressed in my own language. I wanted to recap it. And so I will, maybe, someday... but for now, I've just read Thundie's recaps and I love them so much I'm compiling the links to the individual posts here for you to enjoy.

Who knows, maybe after you read them you'd want to go watch Shining Inheritance too. Warning: All the characters are endearingly addictive. This accounts for my fixation on Seung Mi's wardrobe and my permanent crush on Hwan. Don't say I didn't warn you. >.<

* Episodes 1 and 2
* Episodes 3 to 12
* Episode 13
* Episode 14
* Episodes 15 to 16

* Episode 17
* Episode 18
* Episode 19
* Episode 20
* Episode 21
* Episode 22
* Episode 23
* Episode 24

Enjoy! :)

See? Obsessed.

Shining Inheritance

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Dramabeans Updates - Because my ISP is so mean it won't let me watch free Korean dramas on the web